A Manifesto for Holistic Human Design

serving the planet and all living things

90% of the people who contact me are either physically or mentally exhausted. They are experiencing a profound loss of meaning and bearings. Existential questions about their future on earth intertwine with their daily anxieties and responsibilities, in a great emotional chaos that often leaves them on the brink.

Because the model of (Western) society in which we evolve is profoundly deleterious to your physical and mental health, you'll find that reciting positive affirmations or putting stones on your chakras isn't enough to really turn things around. It's important to be aware of your physical, emotional and mental environment. We can speak of a systemic or global point of view.

The good news? There's a tool to help you explore: Holistic Human Design.

To me, the word holistic means taking into account the entirety of living beings to create a different world, where well-being is an inalienable right for all.

I firmly believe that personal transformation is the breeding ground for lasting collective transformation. The primary objective of personal development is not a selfish race for success and recognition, but a collective path of curiosity, benevolence and compassion.

That's why taking care of ourselves in a neoliberal world is a revolutionary act. It's an act that participates in a wider conversation, that creates other possibilities by blossoming in the gaps of everyday life.

Through my work as a holistic Human Design coach, I promote the circulation and development of a model of entrepreneurship at the intersection of social, ecological and feminist struggles.

For me, Holistic Human Design is a powerful tool for creating a post-liberal society where respect for all living beings takes precedence over materialism, individualism and the separation of human beings from nature.

Holistic Human Design is a tool for differentiation that speaks of interdependence rather than separation: we all have talents and a unique role to play in the society we want to create. Rather than doing everything yourself in a vain pursuit of total autonomy ("doing it all yourself"), you can choose to follow a path of interdependence with others and with the planet. After all, happiness is a shared pleasure.

It's also a way of taming your own unique functioning within a global ecosystem. Just as your every choice has an impact on the world around you, your environment has an impact on your well-being and your vision of life. While it's true that you are responsible for the reality you wish to create, you are also the product of your biological, cultural, societal and familial particularities. Holistic Human Design is a way of reducing your dissonance, by lifting the veil on the inner stories that shape and limit you.

Finally, it's a system that works for the collective transformation of society, through self-knowledge. It helps you embrace your own workings, and thus question the narratives carried by neo-liberal society. It advocates a society where work is a means of subsistence, a means of participating in the collective, and not a social proof that determines an individual's worth.

To be accompanied by a holistic Human Design coach is to make the choice to co-construct your dream life, while taking into account your impact on the world around you. It's about reducing your cognitive dissonance and rediscovering the meaning of your life so you can get moving.

It means feeling fulfilled and confident in your choices. It means feeling energized and expressed in your work and everyday life.

It's about creating your place in a society that makes sense to you, developing your inner wisdom and living joyfully.

I join the revolution