1:1 services to reclaim your time and rhythm in your business and your daily life.

whether you're just starting out as a freelancer, have been a solopreneure for a long time or are an employee in need of a change, I'm delighted to meet you!

first time clients

If you've never worked with me or followed one of my programs, I invite you to start with a short formula.


You're new to my world and don't really know where to start, but you're sure you want to do something for your well-being and your business.
Inner Magic is for you!

For 90 minutes, we'll take stock of your needs and your current system. Then, together, we'll define YOUR next step, the action that will get you moving again!

book your session


You know your Human Design and you know how important it is to understand your unique way of working to create a business that serves you and contributes to your values.
Choose Insights!

With this tailor-made guidance for understanding and using Human Design in your daily life, you'll regain the serenity and energy to successfully complete the projects that are close to your heart.

see more

time to say yes to yourself 💚

You know you need in-depth support specific to YOUR problems. I'd recommend Magic's long-term coaching programmes, to help you build solid, healthy foundations for your business.

Inner Magic

You're planning to retrain, pivot or realign your solopreneurial activity. You also know that this time, you want to create a system that's in line with your values, that's supportive and ecological for you.

Over a period of three months and 7 sessions, you'll build a solid, serene foundation for contributing to the world through your business, while retaining your energy and enthusiasm.

see more

Outer Magic

You need a digital platform that reflects you, that supports your vision and your contribution to the world. You also know that you don't have the bandwidth to do it yourself.

Your website is THE window on your inner world. It's an essential tool for creating a solid, supportive business for yourself.

In a single season, we'll co-create a visual identity that reflects you and a personal platform that carries your message loud and clear.

book a clarity call
10 per self

The monthly newsletter that deconstructs your belief about work and time to help you thrive as a solopreneur.