I have a talent that few people possess: I'm a boredom artist.

Before you go, let me explain 👇🏻

Since I entered my architecture school in 2009, I haven't stopped.
I've taken two degrees in parallel, gone abroad and come back, written a blog and research articles, done reports for the French Ministry of Education and the Banque des Territoires.
In short, I've always been very (too) busy.


And yet it's a muscle I've developed over the years, to return to a more serene, calmer state after several brushes with burnout without labelling it as such.

If you were to tease me a little, you could say that I've reconnected with my Corsican roots.

In seven years of architecture, four years of research in education and three as a solopreneur in coaching and the quest for self, I believe this is the skill we should all learn to master.

Because behind boredom, there's time, and what you do with it. Time is your most precious resource as a solopreneur or freelancer - and quite simply as a human being. It's the only resource that runs out and can't be restored (unless you have Hermione's hourglass).

I have two (self-assigned) missions:

👉🏻 To show that you can be enough (and even fulfilled) by doing less.
👉🏻 Reaffirm the importance of the fundamental right to rest in a society that never sleeps.

And for this, I've developed the 10% method.


That's my hypothesis after reading several books on personal finance that advocate taking 10% of our income for ourselves before paying our expenses.

When you think that time is our most precious resource, it would be nice to keep some of it for ourselves first, wouldn't it?

Just imagine ...
By allowing yourself your 10% every day, you create a physical, mental and emotional state more conducive to calm and serenity. Joy can emerge and be honoured, just as much as sadness or anger. You are no longer overwhelmed by injunctions, expectations and work.
On the contrary, you have time to exist, and to express yourself - which is particularly important for the entrepreneur and/or artist in you!

You can get back to your projects with energy, you can reconnect with your creativity and above all... do nothing.
And that's disruptive!

What drives me

I believe that entrepreneurship -when holistic- is a powerful tool for individual emancipation and collective transformation. Being an entrepreneur or solopreneur means rethinking the economy and society in which we want to live. To achieve this, it's important to create —collectively— new narratives.

That's why I chose to be a solopreneur, and to align my professional activity with my core values. I define myself as an ecofeminist and an activist for the well-being of all living things.
Here we talk a lot about capitalism, neoliberalism and patriarchy, but also about all the other possibilities for making "business" and for making "society". What I call holistic entrepreneurship is a way of working for the world that is respectful of both ourselves and the world around us.

You can be sure that everything I do is driven by my desire to create a fairer society for everyone, one step at a time, with joy and lightness.

I am a proud member of:
Fière d'être membre de l'association Association for Coaching internationaleAssociation Coaching Climate AllianceLogo SHE Changes Climate
10 per self

The monthly newsletter that deconstructs your belief about work and time to help you thrive as a solopreneur.