Get a grasp of your Bodygraph in less than 5 minutes

The first time I made my design on the internet, I thought "wow this looks great, but what am I going to do with this thing?". Does it speak to you? This is also the case for all my clients: They feel lost when faced with all this information and weird patterns.

So today, I suggest that we decipher your chart together, so that you can see a little more clearly and continue your exploration with peace of mind.


First of all, what is a Human Design chart?

Before launching into explanations and information, let's start by defining what a Human Design chart is, also called a Bodygraph.

As you may know, Human Design is a complex system based on the position of the planets in the celestial mandala - at the time of your birth and at the time of your incarnation (formation of your neo-cortex).

What is a celestial mandala? Simply the mapping of the sky above your head! That's why to create your Bodygraph, you need your birth information as precise as possible (date, time and place).

How does it work? There is a software called Maia Mechanics Imagery (MMI), which will calculate for you the position of the planets at the time of your birth (personality) and at the time of your incarnation (design). From this information, it creates a pattern of geometric shapes, lines and numbers: your Bodygraph!

If you have never seen a Bodygraph, I invite you to make your own free chart, it will be easier to follow the explanations that follow.

Your Bodygraph is therefore a snapshot of your energies This snapshot is constant throughout your life, but it is NOT a fatality. Remember that your personality is holistic. That is, even with an identical design, you will never be the same person as your twin for example. And that's the magic of Human Design: you are unique and valuable to the world!

The mechanics of your chart

Now that you know where what you have in front of you comes from, it's time to decipher it all! Before we go any further, I'd like to point out that it takes several years to understand the entirety of a design, and to read a chart in all its details. So today, we're going to cover the basics - and that's a big part of it!

Let's get started!

The columns you see on either side of your Bodygraph are the positions of the planets in your birth sky, and your incarnation sky. The first is the Sun, then the Earth, then the Moon, then the nodes and so on.

This is what allows you to know which Gates are defined for you, that is, which have a rather reliable and fixed energy for you.

When two Gates that are opposite each other are defined, they are said to form a Channel. Channels then help define the Centres they connect.

Did I lose you? Don't panic, it's not necessary to understand how all this works - I'm doing this mostly for the 1st Lines in the room.

The main thing to remember is that everything in colour on your Bodygraph gives you a pretty reliable and constant energy throughout your life -these are your powers of some sort- while everything white in your chart speaks about your conditioning and the wisdom that comes with it. These are more variable and fluctuating energies, which depend a lot on the people around you and the position of the planets at any given time.

You're probably going to say to me "okay that's good, but what do we do with this chart? Well, that's what we'll see now.

Covering the basics

Whether you're new to human design or already have some experience with it, its complexity shouldn't have escaped you. Fortunately, you don't need to learn and understand everything at once.

Discovering Human Design really does work as an exploration. What I mean by that is that you need to make your own experience as you discover your design information. You're going to have a hard time figuring out what your Variables mean, for example, if you don't understand what your Type is.

So, take a breath and go one step at a time.

In my opinion, there are three things that you need to do to get the most out of your design when you are starting out:

  • understanding your natural functioning (your Type),
  • learning the most fluid way for you to make decisions (your Authority),
  • discovering a little more about the nuances of your personality (your Profile).

With these three elements, you can already change a lot of things in your daily life and in your professional life to realign yourself with your essential needs, and honour your energy.

Then you can start to explore your Centres and Gates, but that's for another time!

To go further in the discovery of your design

If your curiosity is aroused, I invite you to discover your Human Design with Blueprint. You will receive a booklet with your Type, Authority and Profile, as well as tips on how to apply the elements of your design in your daily life in a concrete and simple way.

Thanks for reading this far! I hope you understand your Bodygraph a little better thanks to this article. If you have any questions or suggestions for topics you'd like me to cover, feel free to drop me a line on Instagram or email me at

Credits: Joel Muniz via Unsplash • Bodygraph © Sarah Lei

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